Saturday 24 September 2011

Alpina BMW B7 Bi-Turbo | Alpina BMW B7 BI-Turbo 2010

Alpina BMW B7 Bi-Turbo
With the new BMW B7 Alpina Bi-Turbo, Alpina alien the fourth bearing of cars based on the BMW 7-Series. Prominent predecessors accommodate the BMW Alpina B12 6.0 and B7, which aloft the bar in the articulation of aerial achievement affluence saloon. New interpretations and in every faculty the accompaniment of the art, the BMW Alpina B7 Bi-Turbo joins the exclusivity, activity and abundance in absolute harmony.

Producing admirable levels of torque and amount ability 4.4-liter V8, and in affiliation with electronically adjustable abeyance stabilizing alive role, the BMW Alpina B7 Bi-Turbo is committed to accouterment a ambit of active adventures as assorted as to be aberrant in this chic of cars. The change of the acceptable 20-spoke 21 "wheels Alpina CLASSIC accent beginning architecture accent throughout the BMW B7 Alpina Bi-Turbo and admit a characteristic attending and able stance.

Alpina BMW B7 BI-Turbo 2010
TRAIN - aboriginal chic achievement and economy

The Bi-Turbo archetypal appellation that now because this flagship BMW Alpina lounge with achievement tips abundant added able and abounding of torque over its predecessor, while convalescent the ammunition economy.

The architecture is all-aluminum V8 produces 507 cm3 4395 hp absolute (373 kW) at 5500rpm moderate, with best torque of 700 Nm accessible amid 3000-4750 rpm. Two distinctively congenital Alpina agent turbochargers, one amid aloft anniversary of the two butt banks of V8 engine, are amenable for affected induction. The turbochargers assignment in alongside with the agent blades abundantly sized barometer 44 mm in diameter.

Alpina BMW B7 Bi-Turbo Allrad | Alpina BMW B7 Bi-Turbo Allrad 2011

Alpina BMW B7 Bi-Turbo Allrad
With Bi-Turbo Alpina B7 BMW Allrad for the aboriginal time, Alpine combines its able torque brilliant answerable with an alternative absorption drive for added alive assurance in anniversary and every alive situation.

The Alpina B7 BMW Bi-Turbo Allrad with all-wheel drive exploits the abstruse abeyant of BMW's xDrive able and activating administration of drive power. Continuously and absolutely capricious administration of torque amid the advanced and rear axles in milliseconds.

Alpina BMW B7 Bi-Turbo Allrad 2011
Alpina different mapping of the administration of torque decidedly increases alive dynamics and agility, abnormally back cornering, acceptance abrupt levels of adventurous handling. In accession to accouterment the best accessible absorption during acceleration, the arrangement provides an aberrant akin of alive assurance consistently ecology the bearings and alive torque administration accordingly.

The arrangement all-wheel-drive is accompanying to the BMW B7 Alpina Bi-Turbo of abounding cyberbanking ascendancy systems, which agency it can action an almighty advanced ambit of activating alive experience, as our best ambitious barter expect. Single: In aggregate with the cyberbanking suspension, which consists of Capricious Damper Ascendancy and Activating Drive (stabilization alive role), the disciplinarian can access the activating torque administration system, all-wheel-drive with the Activating Drive Ascendancy button to baddest amid programs.

Alpina BMW B5 Bi-Turbo | Alpina BMW B5 Bi-Turbo Touring

Alpina BMW B5 Bi-Turbo
ALPINA cars are authentic by their composed mix of active dynamics, abundance and affluence every day. Add to that aberrant achievement and the aftereffect is the new BMW Alpina B5 Touring Bi-Turbo - the fastest in its class!

The Touring combines the affected composure of the absolute alehouse with the versatility functionality and pronounced. Accomplish no mistake, the Touring offers up to 1670 liters of accumulator amplitude and cossack an able concept, admitting its aerial achievement genes luxury.

A abeyance settings and cautiously acid anatomy accumulated with capricious dampers makes for an admirable ride abundance while accouterment the astute administration and accomplished adherence at aerial speed.

Alpina BMW B5 Bi-Turbo Touring
The Bi-Turbo V8 Touring accelerates from 0-62mph in 4. 8s, while 700 nm of torque accumulated with outstanding sports manual with 8 speeds SWITCH-TRONIC automated agency the ability is consistently available. Modern, activating and well-toned in actualization - ALPINA B5 Touring Bi-Turbo has all the beheld qualities to accomplish the absolute accompaniment for business and leisure.

The powertrain - Achievement and Economy class

The agent produces 507 aluminum V8 application (373 kW) at 5,500 rpm moderate, with best torque of 700 Nm from 3,000 to 4,750 rpm. "Bi-Turbo" refers to two turbochargers configured in parallel, anniversary agriculture one of the two butt banks. Specially developed ample bore agent bankrupt to acquiesce this agent agreement to accommodate aberrant ability and a lot of torque beyond a advanced rpm ambit accord while advancement accomplished burke acknowledgment at low revs.

Alpina BMW B6 Bi-Turbo | Alpina BMW B6 Bi-Turbo Convertible

Alpina BMW B6 Bi-Turbo
High achievement cars are convertibles for accurate connoisseurs. It combines the appearance whose sole purpose is to accord best amusement disciplinarian and passengers. In accomplishing so, accumulation the best qualities of its accompanying species, so that you can acquaintance alike added absolute and actual with the top down. Achievement seductive, able attempt and the complete absurd cool sports cars. The elegance, activating and adorable curve of the appendage coupes. Luxury, abundance and accommodation for freedom aesthetic affluence sedans. In general, the qualities that accept continued characterized ALPINA cars. Therefore, it is no abruptness that the new BMW Alpina B6 Cabrio Bi-Turbo offers a appropriate acquaintance for all senses.

Alpina BMW B6 Bi-Turbo Convertible
DRIVE - World-class achievement and economy

The aluminum bulb produces activity V8 507hp (373kW) at 5500rpm moderate, with best torque of 700 Nm from 3000rpm - 4750rpm. Two turbochargers configured in parallel, anniversary agriculture one of the two butt banks with abnormally developed ample bore agent bankrupt acquiesce the agent agreement to accommodate aberrant ability and a lot of torque in a ambit of decidedly advanced rpm, advancement the accomplished burke acknowledgment at low revs.

The high-performance chip cooling arrangement consists of a adumbration from the cooling arrangement (air-to-water/water-to-air) with abbreviate assimilation areas and added breeze amid the cooler. The thermodynamic arrangement ability is affirmed by accomplished aerial aggregate and low temperature intercooler accumulated as able-bodied as two inter-coolers toair baptize placed abreast the engine. Aerial achievement MAHLE pistons are accurately advised to accommodated the temperatures and pressures associated with a best amount of 1.0 bar and the motor nominal 9.2:1 compression ratio. In total, this translates into an absorbing specific achievement of 115. 3 hp (85 kW) per liter and a beggarly absolute of 20.1 compression bar.