Friday 14 October 2011

Audi A8 L Security | Audi A8 L Security Edition

Audi A8 L Security
Audi presents a new model, absolute - the Audi A8 L Security. The long-wheelbase high-security adaptation of the A8 meets the accomplished standards in force for noncombatant vehicles, with a alternation of appropriate aegis appearance accessible in accession to its abundant armor. In the sales barrage Audi will action the W12 engine, with addition assemblage to chase in 2012. Both engines are accumulated with the above ability with aerial efficiency.


At 5.27 meters (17.29 feet) in length, the Audi A8 L Aegis is a ample affluence auto representative, hardly apparent at aboriginal from the assembly version. LED headlights, which use ablaze abounding diodes for all functions, accommodate a arresting announcement of his face. They are allotment of the accepted amalgamation for the Audi A8 L W12 Security.

In developing the basal architecture of the A8 archetypal line, Audi engineers already had the high-security adaptation in apperception from the beginning. The aftereffect is a absolutely chip abstraction far above to any addition band-aid currently accessible on the market. All above apparatus were analyzed with account to their anamorphosis properties, which the Audi A8 L Security, accomplished blast achievement is additionally acquainted of the added party.

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